How can you know if independent living is right for you? If you are like most older adults, you know what you enjoy in life, as well as what you are ready to give up—and you probably have considered several new pursuits you’re ready to explore. A checklist for independent living can help you decide if this lifestyle is a good fit for the retirement of your dreams.
Defining your retirement dream: a checklist for independent living
How do you see yourself enjoying retirement? Chances are, it’s about more than chores or responsibilities. You’ve spent enough years handling all the nuts and bolts of life. Now it’s time to really stop and consider what you want your days to look like. Wouldn’t it be a lot more enjoyable if someone else—such as a professional, cheerful staff—was handling all the little stuff for you?
Put a check in the column that fits your retirement dream:
My responsibilities | I want to keep doing it! | Let it go! |
Grocery shopping | ||
Housecleaning | ||
Cooking/meal prep | ||
Yardwork/landscaping | ||
Household Repairs | ||
Laundry | ||
Daytime driving | ||
Nighttime driving | ||
Errands | ||
Scheduling repairs/coordinating help | ||
Other: |
Remember that each time you put a check in the “let it go” column, you are becoming the perfect candidate for independent living, a lifestyle where you are free from chores, repairs, and daily worries because someone else is handling those things for you.
That means no more climbing rickety ladders. No more worrying about a hole in the roof. No more driving in crazy traffic. No more trying to decide what sounds good for dinner but realizing you don’t have the ingredients.
Instead, independent living offers an easygoing, worry-free lifestyle designed to help you stay as healthy and independent as possible.
Download our free guide, Just The Facts: Your Guide to Independent Living.
Making your retirement dream even better
Now consider all the things you think about when you imagine your retirement dream…more time to yourself, a morning swim in a heated pool, meeting new people, sampling fine cuisine, exploring local attractions, traveling at the drop of a hat, joining a line dancing class, or whatever makes you smile.
Ways to enjoy life more | Available in independent Living? | Put a check if you would like this to be part of your retirement! |
Fun | Yes | |
Social opportunities | Yes | |
More friends | Yes | |
Convenience | Yes | |
Dining options | Yes | |
Travel opportunities/outings | Yes | |
Pampering | Yes | |
Amenities | Yes | |
Fitness and wellness | Yes | |
Activities & programs | Yes | |
Volunteer opportunities | Yes | |
Purpose | Yes | |
Relaxation | Yes | |
Time to do what I want! | Yes |
Are you seeing a pattern? Your checklist for independent living is probably telling you that you are ready for a lifestyle of freedom and choice, which you will find in the right senior living community.
Besides all the specific amenities and services offered, independent living opens up a larger world to you in retirement than you would ordinarily find at home, with more options and less responsibility. Plus, plenty of friends with whom you can enjoy everything even more.
Review your checklist for independent living. Then take a look at St. Mark Village.
A nonprofit life care community in Pinellas County, St. Mark Village offers you wellness of the body, mind, and spirit. Here you can be as active and involved as you choose, benefiting from a lifestyle that supports you in every way. Simple, carefree living has never been so much fun.
Here, you are part of a loving family that inspires you to enjoy all the perks of carefree senior living. Engaged with the present; at peace with the future, thanks to the reassurance of seamless access to future care options. Ready to have the time of your life!
Senior living focused on the whole person. Download our free guide, Just The Facts: Your Guide to Independent Living. Or contact us. We’d love to hear from you.